A lovely profile of Federico Badia written by the writer Alice Leccese Powers for Dream of Italy, February 2016.
Federico Badia Italian Leather Shoes was featured on the blog Crafted Fairly from 24 November 2015
Federico is featured in an editorial, Artisan Europe, by Rick Steves in the the Chicago Tribune, 2 June 2015
In March 2015 an article in the Norwegian Fag Bladet about CittaSlow features Federico Badia. (Shown below)
Steve Brenner of Cross-Pollinate Travel makes a fantastic video, A Short Chat with Federico Badia, Shoemaker, about “Made in Italy”
Guia Baggi of La Nazione writes that Federico is “Un esempio calzante dell’anima di CittaSlow: perché certi lavori, certi sapori e certi prodotti sono solo possibili grazie al tempo. Federico afferma: “Ci vogliono 50 ore per fare un paio di scarpe a mano e su misura, non posso impiegarci di meno” (Federico is “an example of the soul of Cittaslow: because certain jobs, certain tastes, and certain products are only possible with time”). This article about CittaSlow and Orvieto was published in December 2014 and also features video interview.
Style Magazine published by one of Italy’s biggest newspapers, Corriere Della Sera, calls Federico “the child prodigy of shoemaking” in the article Scarpe Fatte e Restaurate: La “Fine Art” dei Ciabattini in Style Magazine October 2014 (Photo shown left)
March 2014 Federico wins the CNA’s Artisan of the Year Award, The Pialletto D’Oro. (Photo of the award ceremony shown at right).
An article by Alexander Ricci about Federico Badia in a CafèBabel: “Il Calzolaio Che Ha Fatto Le Scarpe Alla Crisi” August 2013 Or read the article in English, Polski, Español, or Français
An article by Alessandra Borella in the Perugia paper Quattro Colonne, 2014 see page four: “Faccio Le Scarpe alla Crisi”Â
Here is an accompanying short film about Federico’s work also by Alessandra Borella: “Sogni in Pelle, Stringhe e SuoleÂ
Nicola Mechelli makes a short film entitled, Federico Badia, Il Calzolaio di Orvieto