Federico Badia handmade leather purses & bags are made with the finest quality of Italian leather, craftsmanship, and design. The goal is to create an elegant, unique, and long-lasting bag for any occasion. Federico & Hannah are constantly inventing new designs. We have a wide variety of leathers available, so each of the purses are available in a variety of colors. Browse our shop’s current selection of handmade leather purses and bags.

If there is a fantastic leather purse that you’ve always wanted, we can help you make your dream a reality. We offer both custom and bespoke purses and bags. Custom orders allow the client to modify one of our existing designs and to choose the leather, stitching, lining, and hardware colors of the bag. Bespoke orders allow the client in conversation with us to design a bag specifically for them. We enjoy working directly with clients on both custom and bespoke orders. For inquiries contact us at or use our built in contact form.